Minecraft tragedies: Survival on hard - Part 4: When you have to rebuild the house forcefully
Hi guys! Okay, we're done with the garden as it should finally start serving it's purpose. Later I expanded it one the melon side as...
Heroes of the Storm: How to play Murky
Hi guys! Since I've started playing any MOBA game (or similar game for that matter), one hero has always fascinated me and that would be...
Minecraft tragedies: Survival on hard - Part 3: OMG Jungle Sucks!!!
OK, let's get to work. To be honest, this series are going in a rather unexpected direction, but I can't say I like it. The reason I...
Minecraft tragedies: Survival on hard - Part 3: Moving in!
Hi guys, I took some time off, but I'm back! After getting the cocoa and melon, I found a nice spot where I decided to settle for now....
Minecraft tragedies: Survival on hard - Part 2: Welcome to the jungle baby!
Okay, we're not planning on staying here just so you know. After I gather all the resources, I hit the road right away since my final...
Minecraft tragedies: Survival on hard
Hey guys, today I decided to create a little introduction tutorial to potential and current players. Also, I haven't played Minecraft in...
Heroes of the Storm: Introduction
If you've ever played MOBA games, you'll love this one. Blizzard claims this is not a MOBA game and it's really not. This is a completely...
Worms: Armageddon introduction
Worms: Armageddon is oldschool Worms game released in 1999. You wouldn't say, but this game managed to keep a decent audience over the...