Minecraft tragedies: Survival on hard - Part 3: Moving in!
Hi guys, I took some time off, but I'm back! After getting the cocoa and melon, I found a nice spot where I decided to settle for now.
The location will be revealed soon, I got attacked by a bunch of zombies, the situation in the jungle is even worse because the place is very poorly lit and zombies spawn on dark places (besides the spawners, that's totally different thing). So, I've made a relatively simple shelter out of wooden planks, just because I like how it looks, other than that, that's probably the worst idea to do. Why? Well creepers! That's why!
I've also decided to craft a bed. Bed is a must in survival, especially on hard, even though it makes the game slightly more boring, so I'll use it just in case I don't want to wait because I don't plan on going out or anything. Other than that...well....I'll be forced to stay wide awake. Okay, as soon as sun showed up, I got to work since the zombies don't wait. It can still be dangerous outside if you're surrounded by water since the zombies don't burn if in water. It's still fine, it's reduces their versatility a lot, but archers can still be very annoying since they're the ones with the weapon, not you, right?
Ok, limited a small area to be my front yard, including the garden I'm about to make. Now I'm going to use the seeds I farmed from walking over here, since it was a lot of walk, there was enough seeds to start farming wheat effectively right away. Wheat grows on a well lit, moisted block of dirt. Before you try to plant seeds, you need to use Hoe to make the dirt plantable. Afterwards, simply right-click on the dirt you prepared with a hoe and you should see a little sprout in the ground. There is one more trick I'm going to show you later that you may be interested for!
This is a cocoa farm! Cocoa beans can be very useful, combined with wheat, you can make cookies, which don't restore much health, but by regularly farming, you'll soon be obtaining HUGE amounts of cookies and they're great to use when you are missing one food bar, but don't want to waste a whole steak. It got dark already, so I didn't have time to start farming right away... We'll do it later. Okay, I went to sleep, in the morning I wanted to trim out the jungle wood making paths to my house's roof. The zombies can climb over one block, and somehow, this damn tree kept growing it's bush next to my roof.... If you're in a jungle, you can easily make a scouting point from a tree!
Not that it helps you as you can see.... Later, as I finished being useless, I climbed down and got back on the cocoa farm!
At first, if you've harvested only a small number of cocoa beans from the trees in the jungle, your farm is going to look like this. If you want to expland the farm, simply add more jungle wood pillars, but keep in mind there has to be a space of two blocks between every pillar, otherwise you can't completely use pillar's surface. Later, it's going to look better and cocoa beans are ready to harvest very fast, compared to other plants you grow. I also made a melon garden, since I'm very limited with space, I had to squeeze it before the cocoa farm, looks like shit, but does the job.
Also, did I forget to mention, it's probably not the best idea to live directly near water...?
Aaaand while it's raining. That too. Shit. Later one creeper actually blew on me, but the damage wasn't really severe so I didn't document that fucker's little quest on destroying my future kingdom. Oh, the trick, I almost forgot. I one of the figures above, you can see some stars around melon plant. That's because after I've crafted bone meal, I applied it to the branch, which instantly makes it grow for one or two stages. You can do that with melons, pumpkins, regular seeds (wheat), even saplings! That's it for today, GG! Cya!