Minecraft tragedies: Survival on hard
Hey guys, today I decided to create a little introduction tutorial to potential and current players. Also, I haven't played Minecraft in a while and I've always wanted to make a how to tutorial based on Minecraft series. :) Let's start with world creating:
Now that we're done with that and like a 10 second waiting, we're spawned and ready to rock!
Now it's time to get the most important items, create a shelter as we're on difficulty of hard and zombies can be fucking annoying. First thing I go for is wood, after you get wood, you've got nice building material (temporary even though it's possible to create a whole house out of it, but repair can be problematic sometimes). Of course, I instalntly fell into a ravine after I collected around 26 oak wood blocks so I had to spend some to get back up...
Charming. Okay, let's collect some weed, but not to get high, but to provide some food for later. It's annoying to farm, annoying to turn into food, and doesn't feed you as nearly as some other foods in minecraft, but it's reliable and simple to do.
Okay, I decided to collect it for simple reason I liked the terrain to make my temporary little house. Let's get to work.
Ok we've made crafting table, got some wood planks from wood we farmed which I thought was gonna be enough, but somehow I felt it wasn't, maybe two stacks would have been better, I don't know. I built like the simplest shelter ever (except dig three blocks down and put one above your head, I start feeling claustrophobic so I don't do that anymore):
It was nice to see, but I forgot it's hard difficulty so I don't think I'm interested in playing whack a mole with zombies every time they break my doors. I dug a little into the ground, used all my remaining sticks for ladder and all wooden planks for trapdoors, shovel and a pickaxe. Worst part was when I figured out I forgot to left some oak wood blocks to make charcoal. Great. Next scene sounded something like this: 1.Crap, I forgot wood for torches. 2. Oh yeah, furnace can burn anything! 3. Out of anything burnable...
Also, I've collected some food, it's so disturbing and pathetic when you die because of hunger when there's no food to collect around you. Warning: some animals were harmed in the making of this tutorial. Okay, it's daytime again, time to make some charcoal for torches and furnace fuel and wrap this up for today!